Certified therapist
Sessions on the platform

General Information

Session Language
Spanish, English
Work with LGBT+
Therapy Types
Personal, Couple
I have experience working with veterans
Barcelona, badia 24
About me
Invisible chains are the strongest: There is a story that I have always liked and reflects very well what has been said: that of the baby elephant that grew up tied to a chained pole and that when it grew up, having the strength to free itself, it did not do so because it still believed that it could not. The story excellently reflects how a past experience can generate such a strong limitation in the present. The only way to let go of that limitation is by updating the experience and restoring the feeling that blocks us. My intention is to guide you in that liberation. When it's no one's fault: At age 32, I experienced a significant change motivated by growing dissatisfaction. I made the decision to move to Barcelona in search of a new beginning, as I felt disconnected and unmotivated with my life in my country. Concern about the perception of others led me to immerse myself in negative thoughts and emotions. Blaming my environment, I believed that moving would take away those feelings. This process was challenging and I faced loneliness. I dealt with feelings of rejection and insecurity, comparing myself to others and feeling insufficient. This resulted in a lack of motivation and a feeling of stagnation, as if I was going through the motions of life without a clear purpose. Faced with the persistent feeling of meaninglessness and fear, I decided to seek help and thus began my journey of gestalt therapy. With time and the guidance of my therapist, I was able to dig deeper and understand the reasons for my dissatisfaction, recognizing my own responsibility for it. The experience and training of the last decade, working with people who share similar experiences, have allowed me to identify keys to freeing themselves from limiting thoughts and emotions. Having personally experienced overcoming these feelings, I recognize that it can be challenging at times, but I am also confident that it is possible. I am here to accompany you in that process.
Personal Therapy
Couple Therapy

Work with

Adaptation, emigration
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Don't work with

Suicide attempts


Client-centered therapy

My education

Higher and professional education

- Graduate in Humanities and Cs. Social. University of Palermo, Argentina. - Gestalt therapist. Gestalt School of Catalonia (Espailudic). - Family Constellations. Gestalt Institute. - Training in Psychology. Open University of Catalonia.

Professional courses

Other experience


Pablo Mendez Huergo

4 years of experience
Online, Offline
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